What a load of Rubbish!

Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles says that weekly waste collections are a basic human right and so wants to inject a 250m fund into councils and prevent them from having fortnightly collections and reintroduce weekly ones. It will be starting from next April and last for a minimum of five years.

They say that councils must show that they are increasing recycling rates and reducing fly tipping. They argue that it will make it easier to recycle.

This was brought on by people complaining of rats and other pests, unpleasant smells from food waste, and bin fines and taxes imposed on them.

Will this not cost a lot of money – reintroducing weekly collections?

Caroline Spelman environment secretary says that spending should not be just be about financial, but about the environment and that we should be aiming for zero waste.

Will weekly collections not just make us lazy and to lead to bad habits of using more rubbish again?

It has been questioned as to what is the real reason behind this move. Is there really a need for weekly collections?

Or do you welcome this move?

Will this provide more jobs?

Or could it encourage people to start calling for their bins to be emptied daily?!


Articles on this subject:

Sky news


Guardian from June saying why it was good news they weren’t being reintroduced.

The Sun

Daily Mail

BBC News


Other websites of interest:

My Zero Waste

Thrifty and Green


My related blogs:

My Zero Waste

Plastic Bags

ShowOff Showcase

5 thoughts on “What a load of Rubbish!

  1. Pingback: Go Green Giveaway event 5-11th October « Pinkoddy's Blog

  2. Pingback: Reasons I love Composting « Pinkoddy's Blog

  3. I have to say that I wish my refuse was collected weekly, because I have trouble storing all the full bin bags over a two week period. We have our recycling collected weekly so I really wish that was fortnightly instead, as that does not smell.
    Good post x

  4. I have to be honest and say that I would rather have twice weekly collections and the money spent on better things, like reducing child poverty or saving the NHS. There are more important human rights than having rubbish collected weekly, in my opinion.

  5. In our town we have a weekly collection of mixed dry recycling, a weekly collection (during the Summer months) of garden waste, food waste gets collected weekly and any other ‘normal’ rubbish gets collected fortnightly. We only put out 2 black bags a fortnight (husband informs me, I thought it was less) which isn’t too bad. We compost, and do try to reduce the waste in the first place. My only concern with recycling is that the companies aren’t buying recycled plastic/cardboard for their products in the first place.

    Thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShowCase and apologies for the delay in commenting.

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