How important is intelligence?

This week there’s been a lot in the news about intelligence.

There’s the fact that one in five boys aged five can’t write their names – whilst girls can! Is that because they are using their spatial intelligence? The boys can’t write a simple letter to Father Christmas – can’t he just cut the pictures out of the Argos and glue them to a piece of paper then? Maybe it’s because I’m a mother of 4 boys but I find the fact that even one in five of these boys is able to do this! Do children really NEED pushing academically before they start school??!

Then comes the news that intelligence changes in the teenage years – that it can go up or down. Now I can see how this study is “helpful” to poor performers, help build self-esteem and give them hope. But really is there any need to tell 14 year old boys, who are doing well, that it wont last???!!! Or again is that coming from the view point of a parent with an early achieving 14 year old boy!

Then there’s the news that IQ tests don’t fully reflect the intellectual capabilities of those with Autism/Aspergers – and that these people are much more intelligent than regular intelligence tests measure.

And that autistic brains grow slower. Does this mean that they wont suddenly “burn-out” in their teenage years (as above)??

Is intelligence really that important? Should we worry about it changing or should we just help each individual for the level they are currently at?



Gender Gap – boys aged 5 can’t write their own names

IQ changing in teens

IQ underestimates that of those with Autism/Aspergers

Autistic Brains grow slower

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